As a car owner, it's imperative to understand the value of regular maintenance and the responsibility of vehicle ownership. Besides your owner's manual, license, and registration, you need a few other items in your car or truck to prepare you for the worst. You'll need these items on hand in case of a breakdown or other emergencies.
First Aid Kit
You never know when an injury can happen. A first aid kit is necessary for those situations and can be best stored in your glove compartment. Please do remember in the case of a significant accident to call emergency personnel should immediately.
Spare Tire
One of the most unfavorable circumstances you can encounter on the road is a flat tire. To be extra precautious, you should always store a spare tire in your vehicle. To repair a flat, you'll also need peculiar tools, such as a lug wrench and jack, to restore your tire.
Tire Pressure Guage
This little gadget may be more beneficial than you think! You can't just look at a tire and know precisely how much air has been lost and how much needs to be added. Even if a tire doesn't look low, routine checks of all four tires are highly encouraged. Ensuring that your tire pressure is correct will improve handling, prolong the lifespan of your tires, and boost your fuel economy.
Set of Jumper Cables
A dead battery is never fun to deal with. If another driver is willing to lend you some power, a set of jumper cables is all you'll need to recondition your battery. These red and yellow cables will get your car or truck back and running in no time.
Extra Windshield Wiper Fluid
High-quality wiper fluid is an essential item when you're driving in areas with foggy or wet conditions. Without a clear view of where you're going, you're more likely to get in an accident.
Some honorable mentions we should mention are spare blankets, compass, flashlight, water, nonperishable foods, and phone chargers. Packing these items will make your commute a lot easier, and all you need to do is simply store them in your trunk. If you need assistance in auto maintenance or repairs, give us a call or bring your vehicle to The Car Guys.